9 Oct 2009

From the mouth of Babes

Went for the Stitch N Bitch meeting last night, Lara was sharing a story about her 6 year old daughter. Lara was putting her daughter to sleep and they had the following conversation:
Daughter : Mum, can I not go away to college and live elsewhere when I'm 18?
Mum : Why,dear?
Daughter : Cos I love my bunkbed and I do not want to sleep on other beds.
Mum : But,honey, one day you will get married and I'm sure your husband would not want to sleep in your tiny bunk bed.
Daughter : I do not want to get married, I want to be a lesbian.
Mum (trying to stifle a laugh and keeping a neutrel expression) : Why would you want to be a lesbian?
Daughter : I do not want to share my bed with any men, women smell nicer,like you, men are so smelly, like daddy.
Mum : ........................

My nephew,Finlay, had a slight redness on his 'little brother' one day and his dad applied some medication on it before bringing him to the playground. It was a nice day and there were a lot of kids and parents there. Finlay got on a see-saw and soon he started shouting 'My penis is infected, my penis is infected' You can imagine how embarressed the dad was and the looks that they received from the other people there.

Shane, my younger boy,often suffer from flatulence. He often farted and it's not the odourless kind, probably can bottle it as sort of a smelling salt. Anyway, when he was 4 or was it 5, we were in a crowded lift, suddenly there was this awful odour and everyone covered their nose and looked around them. Shane looked at me and said,' Mum, you farted again, it smelled terrible, told you many times not to do it in public!' Everyone gave me the dirty look and I wished there was a hole for me to sink into.

Alicia, a distant niece was 7 when we were buying chicken in the supermarket and having this discussion.
Me : Do you know where does the chicken come from?
Alicia : From an egg of course!
Me : And then what happened after that and how did it get to the supermarket shelves?
Alicia : The eggs will hatch into chicks and when they grew older, they will become chickens. Then they will be delivered to the Supermarkets where their feathers will shed, head and neck will drop off naturally before they are packed into boxes and arranged on the shelves.
Me : .........................

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