23 Feb 2010


魚在中國說牠是未化之龍,如傳統中國魚化龍的圖騰。科學家觀察魚對同類遠比對異類更為可攻擊行為。是內鬥內行、外鬥外行的族群。魚類之顏色越鮮艷的種類其 猛烈的攻擊行為愈強。而大部份淡水魚的顏色的魄力在於易變性。淡水魚只有在點燃愛情或發怒等,才會散發出寶石般的光彩。可從牠們色彩測量出情緒高低,也可 以從牠們的色彩看出是否有攻擊性,是否有性衝動,以及是否被激怒到最高點,當引起情緒激動的因素消除後,或者被其他情緒衝動取代之後,牠們的美麗色彩也隨 之消失。譬如激昂的情緒被恐懼取代後,淡褐的保護色立刻籠罩在魚身上,這些魚的顏色是表情的工具,只有需要時才出現。然而這些種類的幼魚及大半之雌魚都有 淡的偽裝顏色。





魚有強烈之攻擊本能,需要學習轉移情緒、否則連夫妻也會反目成仇,無情相對。如果我們把一對雌雄巴西珍珠魚,或一對雌雄印度希屈里種魚放入水槽,則會發生 雌雄相鬥的暴力事件。但若在水槽裡放進一條同類的魚作為待罪羔羊,則可避免夫妻爭鬥,這也就是老子所說的:「國無恆敵則亡之,此亡國乃因內鬥。」如果水槽 中間放一塊玻璃板隔間,兩邊各放一對夫妻魚,則發現每條魚可把怒氣發洩到同性的鄰居∼通常是雄性對雄性、雌性對雌性;此時沒有一條魚會想去攻擊自己的伴 侶。但如果中間玻璃髒掉,而看不到外敵時,而會立刻發現雄魚以粗魯的行為對待其伴侶。屬魚之人易怒、情緒不穩定,容易遷怒他人,缺乏安全感,自私。抱負心 強。





1. 自信
2. 精力充沛
3. 果斷
4. 直接
5. 忠誠
6. 保護
7. 勇敢
8. 講實力
9. 奮鬥
10. 企圖心強


1. 以自我為中心
2. 好戰、好鬥、好勝
3. 吹毛求疵
4. 嚴厲、不易妥協
5. 自大
6. 苛求
7. 侵略性過強
8. 跋扈
9. 記仇懷恨
10. 敢愛敢恨、絕情

魚在中國是未化之龍。屬魚的人個性積極、自信、果斷、痴情,企圖心強烈, 且精力充沛,外向活潑,喜歡熱鬧繁華的生活。但是情緒比較不穩定,容易遷怒、記仇、好鬥,而且具有魚類「內鬥內行、外鬥外行」的特質。

14 Feb 2010




13 Feb 2010

Valentine's Day menu

For new romances…
Kiss me Quick, Squeeze me Slow, Swiss Cheese Fondue
When eating fondue, it is tradition that if you drop your bread or it falls off your skewer into the hot melting cheese, you are expected to kiss the person to your left. Chef Boome creates a sexy, spicy fondue recipe that might make couples drop their bread on purpose…
Naughty but Spiced Chocolate Pot
Chocolate, melted chocolate in fact, is a great aphrodisiac. Just the thought of the dark rich hot lava running over strawberries, marshmallows and bananas can lead to you straight from the kitchen to the bedroom.
An aphrodisiac meal for two…
Aphrodisiac foods are everywhere. This menu has been designed to be quick, simple and sensuous. Starting off light with seared scallops allows the meal to begin with an energy charge of zinc from the scallops that ignites the hormones in the body. Followed by the libido-boosting proteins in steak and finished with the ever-so-seductive and suggestive baked figs, this menu is perfect for two who want to become one.
Fun tapas for a group…
If feeding each other tantalizing bites from small plates of food while you lounge sounds hot, imagine feeding you partner oysters or a warm chocolate molten baby cake with melting mascarpone running down your fingers. Might as well just start in the bedroom.

6 Feb 2010

Knitted toque with earflaps

Adult-size hat is worked in stocking stitch, with band of ribbing, then edged with crochet. Standard abbreviations are used. Recommended for knitters with some experience.
• Rowan Spray Pink Colour
• One pair of 5.5 mm knitting needles OR whichever needles you require to produce the tension given below
• 5 mm crochet hook
• Stitch holders
• Tapestry needle

13 sts and 18 rows = 10 cm (4 ins) in stocking stitch. Work to exact tension with specified yarn to obtain satisfactory results. To save time, take time to check tension.

To make:
Earflap (make 2)
With MC, cast on 3 sts.
Row 1 (right side): Knit, inc 1 st in each of first 2 sts. 5 sts now on needle.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: K1, m1, knit to last st, m1, k1.
7 sts now on needle.
Row 4: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows 7 times more, break MC. 21 sts now on needle.
Next row (right side): Knit; slip sts onto st holder.

Joining row: With A, cast on 3 sts, move needle with sts to right hand, then, with wrong side facing, purl across 25 sts of one earflap on st holder; move needle with sts back to left hand, then cast on 10 sts; move needle with sts to right hand, then, with wrong side facing, purl across 25 sts of rem earflap on st holder; cast on 3 sts. 66 sts now on needle.
Row 1 (right side): K2, [p2, k2] to end of row.
Row 2: P2, [k2, p2] to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows of [k2, p2] ribbing once more.
Next: Work 4 rows ribbing, break A and B.
Next: With MC, work even in St st until work from joining row measures 14.5 cm/5-3/4 ins, ending with right side facing for next row.

To shape crown:
Row 1: K1, [k6, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
58 sts now on needle.
Row 2 and alt rows: Purl.
Row 3: K1, [k5, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
50 sts now on needle.
Row 5: K1, [k4, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
42 sts now on needle.
Row 7: K1, [k3, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
34 sts now on needle.
Row 9: K1, [k2, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
26 sts now on needle.
Row 11: K1, [k1, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
18 sts now on needle.
Row 12: Purl, break yarn.
Thread end through rem sts, draw up tightly and fasten off securely.

To finish:
Sew centre-back seam.
Make edging: With B and crochet hook, and with right side facing, sl st to toque edge at centre-back seam, ch 1, work sc evenly around entire edge, sl st to first sc and fasten off.
Make pom-pom: With 1 strand each of MC, A and B together, wind 20 times around 3 fingers of one hand; thread 30 cm/12-ins length of MC through loop at middle finger, then tie tightly, leaving long ends untrimmed. Cut loops at
each side, then trim to smooth, round pom-pom. Thread long ends through to wrong side of toque crown and tie.
Make braids: Cut two 76 cm/30 ins strands each of MC, A and B. Fold in half and, with crochet hook, pull loop through edge at centre of one earflap, then pull ends through loop to join. With 3 groups of 4 strands each, make braid, 20.5 cm/8 ins long; at bottom, tie with overhand knot, trimming tassel to 5 cm/2 ins. Repeat for second braid.

Designer's tip
To omit earflaps, cast on 66 sts with A, work as given for toque, then finish with crocheted edging and pom-pom.

5 Feb 2010

6 things to have on your dating resume

In a lot of ways, a first date is like a job interview.

Both are stressful, intense minefields of potential gaffes. You're trying out for a position for which you feel grossly under qualified and someone with way better credentials than yours is always waiting in the wings. You're often unprepared and you are, quite likely, hungover.

Both come with some basic guidelines. You don't want to look like you got dressed in the dark. You want to ask questions and nod at the appropriate times. You want to appear interested but not too interested. And it's important to have a good resume.
Not on paper, necessarily, but in your head. When on dates, people look for certain qualifications. Here are six things that you should have on your dating resume:
Charity work. This demonstrates selflessness, and an ability to not think about yourself 24/7. Perhaps you've been a Big Brother or Sister, or run for breast cancer, or served food at a soup kitchen at Christmas. If so, it's always good to casually -- and subtly -- drop this into conversation. If you can't think of anything remotely charitable in your past, then you can say you've been seriously considering one of the above options (don't tell them that just thinking about it made you feel so good you decided not to bother). And, who knows? You might even inspire yourself to actually do something charitable. The Big Brother/Sister is a good one -- the time requirement is minimal (a few hours a week) and you might make a new friend. (And where there's a kid in need of a Big Brother or Sister, there's often a single parent.)
Friends with your exes. Exes make the best references, especially if they haven't taken legal action against you. (And if they have, well, it was a case of mistaken identity and anyway, your date doesn't need to know about any of that). Try to drop in the name of an ex or two and mention that you're still buddies. This can be tricky, though, because if you go on at length about your ex, your date might wonder if you still aren't carrying a torch. So don't tell him or her about the long weekend away that the two of you have also planned. But, it mightn't hurt to gently imply that you think the ex might still have a teeny thing for you, particularly if you're a man, as women are scientifically proven to be attracted to the things others want. Bonus points if you're friends with an ex-fiancé: this shows that at some point, someone liked you enough to consider spending the rest of his or her life with you.
Social skills. Having a group of friends demonstrates that you are capable of human interaction and not some kind of cave-dwelling troglodyte stuck in a World of Warcraft. And the more friends you have -- real friends, meaning people who actually know you, not names you've collected on Facebook -- the more likeable you appear to be. A mixture of both same and opposite sex pals suggests that you are well rounded while having only opposite sex friends suggests you're an eternal flirt and perhaps competitive with your own, and having only same sex friends suggests an inability to relate to the "other." Talk warmly about the people you know and say nice things about them. Liking others makes you likeable.

Education. Most of us in the singles market can proudly say we've graduated high school, if not community college. Some of us may even have gone on to university or, in the case of those in the Intimate section, graduate school. On a date, this usually doesn't matter as much as being able to say you've gone out of your way to grow as a person by taking a class in, say, pottery or fire-dancing. If you've taken any kind of course in the last few years, it would be good to drop this into a conversation -- exceptions being work-safety and/or court ordered sexual harassment/sensitivity training seminars. Bonus points if it's got anything to do with cooking or French.
Family relations. Guys, it helps to let her know you like and respect your mom; how you treat your maternal parental unit says a lot about how you're likely to treat her. DON'T make fun of your mom's cooking, no matter how bad it is (I had one ex tell me, after one too many jokes about my mom's mashed potatoes, "I'm sure she did the best she could," which made me feel like a heel). Ladies, do try to be on speaking terms with all the members of your family. Feuds and longstanding grudges look bad; if you haven't talked to your sister for 10 years because she made fun of your potato salad, this bodes ill for the future should things go wrong between you and your next boyfriend. It certainly doesn't make family visits seem very appealing.
Survival skills. At another time, "art appreciation" or "other languages" might have filled this space. But today, when recession, pandemics, and Nancy Grace threaten our very way of life, it's a facility with a Swiss army knife that counts. Now is the time to drop references about your Boy or Girl Scout experience into the conversation; to mention that fallout shelter you're building, and that earthquake preparedness seminar you've signed up for. Do you know CPR? Do you have a basement full of canned goods? Can you build a fire? Yes? Congratulations. How soon can you start?

3 Feb 2010

Why we date bad boys/gals?

When you're dating, it seems bad boys/girls lurk in every corner ready to pounce and with the sole intention of messing with minds and playing with hearts.

Mick the Bastard

For almost three years, I dated a guy called Mick the Bastard. That wasn't his real name, of course. That was what my best girlfriend called him, as she listened sympathetically -- and patiently -- while I recounted the latest heart-wrenching episode in my doomed romance with this guy.

Mick had all the hallmarks of a real bastard:

* He didn't return my phone calls
* He would turn up late to dinner dates, sometimes having already eaten
* He would 'disappear' for days and then reappear with no explanation as to where he'd been
* He refused, even after three years, to discuss our relationship, what he wanted from it or where he thought it was going

As bastards go, Mick had it in spades.

An All-too Common Theme

We all know someone who ends up dating the 'wrong type.' The bad guy who treats the honest, girl-next-door poorly. The heartless strumpet who breaks the heart of the genuine, sensitive lad. These characters are motifs that run through many of our love lives. But why?

What is it that makes bitches and bastards so appealing?

Dr. Leonard Felder, author of Wake Up or Break Up (Rodale) explains: "People who grew up with a controlling or domineering parent or older sibling are often drawn to the same kind of situation as an adult because it feels 'familiar,' whereas someone who grew up in a family where people respected each other will look at a controlling person and say 'No way,'" he says.

Which goes a long way towards explaining why Heather* only ever dated guys who treated her badly. "My dad was an alcoholic and I grew up in a household where there was lots of anger and unacceptable behavior," she says, adding that most of her 20s were spent chasing after unavailable or damaged men. Desperate to break the cycle, Heather sought help from a relationship counselor.

When you notice you're drawn to a negative person who reminds you of someone from the past, talk to a friend or counselor to sort out if the person's good traits far outweigh this negative trait," says Dr. Felder. "Then get support for breaking free of the toxic kind of person your biochemistry has been wired into finding attractive."

Phil and his Bitches

Phil has had his fair share of heartbreakers who can only be described as bitches. His first serious girlfriend left him for his best mate after five years together. He then met Fiona, who he dated for three years before proposing. She said yes but broke off the engagement -- and the relationship -- two months before the wedding telling Phil he was "too nice."

"She said I did too much for her," says Phil, who is still coming to terms with the split. "Sure I took her out to nice dinners and bought her presents -- but she was my fiancee!" he says, adding that he later learned Fiona had moved in with a guy from work less than a month after the split.

Sometimes, bad boys and girls just leave us with a tear-stained face -- or a case of pubic lice. In serious cases, when inappropriate choices of partner result in manipulation, loss of self-esteem, or even violence and abuse, Dr Felder suggests that professional advice -- and the determination to break the cycle of negative dating behavior -- is the only solution.

"That means sorting it out in counseling, having friends who will be honest when you're 'doing it again' and having the courage to be strong and focus on a healthier kind of relationship," he says.

Jenny from the Block

Jenny admits she has a terrible track record when it comes to dating bad boys. "They always have a past," she says, "which is initially part of the attraction." But unlike Jenny, who craves a committed relationship, these guys are usually more interested in sex, drugs and rock and roll than Jenny.

"Robbie, the last guy I dated, took the cake -- literally. It was his birthday and I had made plans for him to come over to my place for dinner. I'd even baked him a cake," she recalls. "Well, dinner time came -- and went -- without a word from my 'boyfriend.' His mobile was turned off so I left a voice message asking him to call me, which he did -- three hours later at midnight -- wanting to know if he could still come around..."

You're hoping that Jenny told the bastard where to go, right? But she didn't. She invited his sorry ass around to her house -- at midnight -- and when he arrived, clearly intoxicated and obviously looking for sex, she told him in to uncertain terms what she thought of him.

"The cake was the killer for me. I don't even like baking! I knew then that nothing I did was going to turn this selfish prick into someone who would ever appreciate me."

* Names have been changed to protect privacy

2 Feb 2010

找工作 - 难
感情 - 难
怀孕 - 难
交朋友 - 难
快乐 - 难
幸福 - 难


